The mouse allows to be operated with fingers and also has operational functions of a conventional mouse with reduced fatigue and improved flexibility in moving. 可以用手指进行操作,还兼容了常规鼠标的操作功能。
Operational methods in engineering for estimation of fatigue crack initiation life under Spectrum Loading 估算谱载下疲劳裂纹起始寿命的工程实用方法
Especially the fatigue, which is considered as one of the human elements, is identified as a major factor to the shipwrecks. The watch-keepers 'operational errors caused by fatigue are the root of the most of maritime accidents. 在发生的船舶海难事故中,人为因素特别是疲劳被确认为一个主要因素,由于疲劳导致的船舶值班人员操作失误是大多数海难事故的根源。
When flexible pipes are used as risers the upper connection of the riser to the floating production platform is highly affected by cyclic operational loadings and is recognized as one of the most vulnerable parts to failure from excessive bending or from accumulation of fatigue damage. 当用作海洋立管时,其与浮式平台的连接部位由于受到动力载荷的作用,极易发生过度弯曲或疲劳失效。